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Wit in Wit
George De Decker

George De Decker

Wit in Wit

Price: € 17.95
Format: CD
Label: Antarctica
UPC: 0608917731224
Catnr: AR 012
Release date: 07 June 2019
2 CD
✓ in stock
€ 17.95
Catalogue number
AR 012
Release date
07 June 2019

About the album

George De Decker wrote the aria WIT IN WIT (White in White) on commission for the piano recital of 14 November 2017 in the Witte Zaal in deSingel (Antwerp, Belgium).
After the performance by pianist Geert Callaert the relationship with the aria of Johann Sebastian Bachs Goldberg Variations became clear.
Bachs Goldberg Variations are canon, every pianist relates to this piece at one time or another.
A myriad of versions and arrangements De Decker has listened to and analysed, the ear a knife,
in every variation he cut in, looking for the razor-sharp core: what is the essence?

The key and the character of the original composition were preserved, the redundant was skinned until with every variation, only the sound skeleton remained.

The result is a new composition for piano solo and audiotape, but essentially WIT IN WIT is a landscape, a fragile relief of tone, sound and silence.
A note that resounds so long that it stretches into a panorama.
A dissonant that digs depth, and in that depth, rock formations take shape from tone clusters, the air filled with oscillating overtones. Sometimes a certain variation had finished for half a minute before the lack of sound attracted attention, so subtle. De Decker makes sound change into silence that is never empty, but in itself again becomes sound, designer and carrier of the music.
George De Decker schreef de aria WIT IN WIT in opdracht voor het pianorecital van 14 november 2017 in de Witte Zaal in deSingel in Antwerpen. Na de uitvoering door pianist Geert Callaert werd de relatie met de aria van Johann Sebastian Bachs Goldbergvariaties duidelijk.

De Goldbergvariaties is een standaardwerk, elke pianist krijgt vroeg of laat met dit stuk te maken. De Decker heeft ontelbare versies en bewerkingen beluisterd en geanalyseerd. Zijn oor was als een mes, in elke variatie zocht hij naar de messcherpe kern: wat is de essentie?

De toonsoort en het karakter van de originele compositie werden behouden, het overbodige werd afgestroopt totdat van elke variatie slechts het klankskelet overbleef.

Het resultaat is een nieuwe compositie voor piano solo en bandrecorder, maar in WIT IN WIT is in wezen een landschap, een broos reliëf van toon, klank en stilte. Een noot klinkt zo lang door dat hij zich uitstrekt tot een panorama. Een dissonant zorgt voor diepte, en in die diepte nemen toonclusters de vorm van rotsformaties aan, de lucht gevuld met trillende boventonen. Soms was een bepaalde variatie al een halve minuut afgelopen voordat het gebrek aan geluid opviel, zo subtiel. De Decker laat klank veranderen in stilte die nooit leeg is, maar op zichzelf weer geluid wordt, ontwerper en drager van de muziek.
George De Deckers Arie WIT IN WIT (Weiß in Weiß) war ein Auftragswerk für das Klavierrezital am 14. November 2017 im Witte-Saal in deSingel (Antwerpen, Belgien).
Nach der Vorstellung durch den Pianisten Geert Callaert wurde die Beziehung der Arie zu Johann Sebastian Bachs Goldberg-Variationen deutlich: Die Goldberg-Variationen zählen zum Repertoire, ein jeder Pianist hat zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt einmal eine Verbindung mit diesem Werk. De Decker hat sich unzählige Versionen und Arrangements angehört, sein Ohr wie ein Messer, mit dem er in jeder Variation schneidet, auf der Suche nach dem Kern: was ist die Essenz?

Der Schlüssel und Charakter der ursprünglichen Komposition wurden erhalten, das Überflüssige abgezogen, bis von jeder Variation lediglich das Klangskelett übrigblieb.

Das Ergebnis ist eine neue Komposition für Klavier solo und Audiotape, doch eigentlich ist WIT IN WIT eine Landschaft, ein zerbrechliches Relief von Ton, Klang und Stille.
Ein Ton, der so lange nachklingt, dass er sich zum Panorama streckt.
Eine Dissonanz, die tief eingräbt, und in dieser Tiefe bilden sich aus Klangclustern Felsformationen, die Luft voller changierender Obertöne. Manche Variation war bereits seit einer halben Minute verklungen, bis das Fehlen von Klang Aufmerksamkeit erregte, so feinsinnig lässt De Decker Klang zu Stille werden, die nie leer ist, sondern selbst zu Klang wird, zu Gestalterin und Trägerin von Musik.


Geert Callaert (piano)

The virtuoso pianist, composer and author Geert Callaert is much sought after as a soloist and chamber musician at home and abroad because of his large and virtuoso repertoire, ranging across the whole gamut from classical to new music. His compositions and writing abilities have constantly gained interest worldwide. He collaborated on different film scorings as a performer and his name pops up on a regular base in the credits of films such as High Rise and many others. He is currently a professor piano in the Master of Music Programme of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Different composers - Marc Yeats (UK), Robert Groslot (Belgium), Michael Sahl (USA), Idin Samimi Mofakham (Iran), Martyna Kosecka (Poland),...
The virtuoso pianist, composer and author Geert Callaert is much sought after as a soloist and chamber musician at home and abroad because of his large and virtuoso repertoire, ranging across the whole gamut from classical to new music. His compositions and writing abilities have constantly gained interest worldwide. He collaborated on different film scorings as a performer and his name pops up on a regular base in the credits of films such as High Rise and many others. He is currently a professor piano in the Master of Music Programme of the Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Tilburg, The Netherlands. Different composers - Marc Yeats (UK), Robert Groslot (Belgium), Michael Sahl (USA), Idin Samimi Mofakham (Iran), Martyna Kosecka (Poland), Kee Yong Chong (Singapore), Michael Sahl (USA) - have written their most beautiful piano music for him. Geert Callaert is a member of the artistic board, a co-founder of the HERMESensemble and a core performer in the ensemble. He often collaborates with different professional ensembles and orchestras in Belgium and he is a welcome guest at festivals and international competitions worldwide. In May and June 2015 he has performed Green Table during the concert tour "In Flanders Fields" with Operaballet Vlaanderen. April 2016 he was performing all Persian and Belgian new music as a star soloist at the First Contemporary Music Festival in Tehran (Iran). He has published different articles and texts in the past on contemporary music and art in general for different occasions. September-October 2017 and March-April 2018 he has been a music director for two new productions with the Royal Ballet of Flanders creating new music by Gavin Bryars with stage director Edouard Lock.


George De Decker

George De Decker as... Composer - sound artist George De Decker's compositions include solo works (mostly with soundtrack), as well as works for large symphony orchestras and sound installations. He also composes for film, art documentaries, television, fiction, theatre, and dance. He has his own ensemble, 'SP!TSBERGEN.' with 5 young, passionate musicians. George De Decker as... Visual artist Already from a very young age, George De Decker visited many museums and exhibits. The artists in question were his 'real' mentors.bAs a composer, he created music for art documentaries by, a. o. Jef Cornelis and Stefaan Decostere. Sound and visuals always impact each other in George De Decker's oeuvre. He paints monumental canvases in an abstract pictorial language, with a restrained colorite. The compositions consist of characteristic,...
George De Decker as... Composer - sound artist George De Decker's compositions include solo works (mostly with soundtrack), as well as works for large symphony orchestras and sound installations. He also composes for film, art documentaries, television, fiction, theatre, and dance. He has his own ensemble, "SP!TSBERGEN." with 5 young, passionate musicians.
George De Decker as... Visual artist Already from a very young age, George De Decker visited many museums and exhibits. The artists in question were his "real" mentors.bAs a composer, he created music for art documentaries by, a. o. Jef Cornelis and Stefaan Decostere.
Sound and visuals always impact each other in George De Decker's oeuvre. He paints monumental canvases in an abstract pictorial language, with a restrained colorite. The compositions consist of characteristic, broad keys: a robust and powerful signature. He creates sequences of compositions, rhythmic abstractions on canvas that constitute scenic impressions or pure abstractions. These are works of immense expressiveness.
George De Decker also conceives video and audio projects, through which he can simultaneously make his statement as a visual and as a sound artist, such as: Lorca 1937, Ørnen 1897, Die Bezwingung des Chaos...



Play album Play album
Disc #1
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation I
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation II
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation III
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation IV
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation V
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation VI
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation VII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation VIII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation IX
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation X
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XI
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XIII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XIV
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XV
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert

Disc #2
Variation XVI
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XVII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XVIII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XIX
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XX
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXI
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXIII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXIV
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXV
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXVI
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXVII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXVVIII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXVIIII
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Variation XXX
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
Aria (reprise)
(George De Decker) Geert Callaert
show all tracks

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